Cattle Scales - A complete guide

Cattle scales, as the name suggests, are specialized weighing systems designed to measure the weight of cattle. They play a crucial role in various aspects of cattle management and are widely used in the agricultural industry. Cattle scales are essential tools that offer accurate and precise measurements, allowing farmers and ranchers to make informed decisions about their livestock. Cattle scales are primarily used for three main purposes: 1. Measuring Weight for Management: Weight measurements help farmers track the growth and development of individual animals, monitor their feed intake, and ensure proper health maintenance and treatment. 2. Monitoring Animal Health and Nutrition: Regular weighing of cattle assists in assessing their overall health condition and nutritional needs. It enables timely interventions and adjustments to their diet to maintain their well-being. 3. Sale and Marketing of Cattle: Accurate weight measurements are essential when selling cattle, as pricing is often based on weight. Cattle scales provide reliable data for pricing negotiations and ensure fair transactions. Cattle scales come in different types to suit various needs: - Mechanical Cattle Scales: These traditional scales use mechanical mechanisms to weigh the cattle. They are durable and sturdy, suitable for outdoor use, and do not require power. - Electronic Cattle Scales: These modern scales use electronic load cells to measure weight accurately. They often have additional features like digital displays and data recording capabilities. - Portable Cattle Scales: As the name suggests, these scales are portable and lightweight, making them convenient for on-the-go weighing. When choosing cattle scales, several factors need to be considered: - Accuracy and Precision: It is important to select scales that provide precise weight measurements to ensure reliable data. - Capacity and Size: The scale's capacity should accommodate the weight range of the cattle being weighed, and its size should be suitable for the animals' size and comfort. - Durability and Weather Resistance: Cattle scales should be able to withstand harsh outdoor conditions and be resistant to elements like moisture and temperature fluctuations. Using cattle scales involves proper preparation, setup, and adherence to weighing guidelines to ensure accurate results. Accurate weighing is crucial, as it forms the foundation for making informed management decisions. The benefits of using cattle scales are significant: - Improved Management Decisions: Accurate weight measurements enable farmers to make informed decisions about nutrition, breeding, and healthcare, leading to better overall management of the herd. - Enhanced Animal Health and Performance: Regular weighing helps in identifying any health issues or fluctuations in weight, allowing for prompt intervention and maintaining optimal animal health and performance. - Increased Profitability and Efficiency: Cattle scales assist in effective feed management, reducing costs, and optimizing feeding strategies. They also aid in determining the optimal time for sale, ensuring profitable transactions.

Key takeaways:

  • Cattle scales are used for measuring weight: Cattle scales are essential tools in managing livestock as they provide accurate measurements of an animal's weight. This information is useful for monitoring growth, health, and nutrition of the animals.
  • Cattle scales aid in cattle sale and marketing: Cattle buyers rely on accurate weight measurements to determine the value of the livestock being sold. Cattle scales help in determining the price, ensuring fairness in transactions, and facilitating efficient marketing of the cattle.
  • Types of cattle scales: There are various types of cattle scales available, including mechanical, electronic, and portable scales. Each type offers different features and advantages, so it is important to consider the specific needs and requirements when choosing a cattle scale.

What are Cattle Scales Used For?

Curious about cattle scales? Let's uncover their practical applications! From measuring weight for effective management to closely monitoring animal health and nutrition, and even facilitating the sale and marketing of cattle, these scales serve multiple purposes. Stay tuned to explore how these invaluable tools contribute to the smooth functioning of the livestock industry.

Measuring Weight for Management


Reason Description
Measuring Weight for Management - Health Assessment Regular weight measurement helps identify any fluctuations that could indicate illness or nutritional deficiencies.
Measuring Weight for Management - Nutrition Planning Accurate weight data aids in determining appropriate feeding plans, ensuring the cattle receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.
Measuring Weight for Management - Breeding Management Knowledge of weight assists in determining the best time for breeding and ensures proper reproductive health.
Measuring Weight for Management - Record Keeping Weighing cattle allows for the creation of accurate records for individual animals, aiding in overall farm management.


Fact: Proper weight management contributes to the overall productivity and profitability of cattle farms, leading to healthier, more profitable herds.

Monitoring Animal Health and Nutrition

Monitoring animal health and nutrition is a crucial aspect of livestock management, and cattle scales play a vital role in this process. By regularly weighing the cattle, farmers can monitor their growth, detect any health issues, and keep track of their nutritional needs.

Accurate weight measurements not only offer valuable insights into the overall health and well-being of the animals, but also allow farmers to compare the weights of individual animals over time. This enables them to identify any sudden weight loss or gain, which may indicate underlying health problems or nutritional deficiencies.

Cattle scales also assist farmers in evaluating the effectiveness of their feeding programs. By monitoring the weight gain of the cattle, farmers can make necessary adjustments to their feed formulations and ensure that the animals receive the proper nutrition for optimal growth and development.

Incorporating cattle scales into livestock management practices is essential for maintaining the animals' good health and maximizing their productivity and profitability. With close monitoring of weight and nutrition, farmers can make well-informed decisions regarding healthcare, feeding, and management strategies.

Historically, monitoring animal health and nutrition has always been a fundamental aspect of livestock production. In the past, farmers used simple methods such as visually assessing the animals' condition and observing their appetite. However, nowadays, technological advancements have made it easier and more accurate to monitor animal health and nutrition using tools like cattle scales.

Sale and Marketing of Cattle

When it comes to the sale and marketing of cattle, accurate weight measurements are crucial. Cattle scales play a significant role in this process, providing valuable data that helps determine the value and pricing of the animals. Here are some factors to consider when incorporating cattle scales for sale and marketing:

  1. Accurate pricing: Cattle scales ensure that the sale of your animals is based on fair market prices, as buyers usually pay according to weight.

  2. Sorting and grading: Cattle scales assist in categorizing the animals based on weight, enabling efficient sorting and grading for sale.

  3. Marketing strategy: Incorporating accurate weight measurements obtained through cattle scales can be a valuable marketing strategy to attract potential buyers. This demonstrates transparency and reliability in your cattle business.

Ensure that the cattle scales you choose for sale and marketing purposes are accurate, reliable, and easy to use. Consider factors such as accuracy, capacity, durability, and weather resistance. By investing in quality cattle scales and effectively utilizing them, you can enhance the sale and marketing process and optimize profitability.

Types of Cattle Scales

Discover the world of cattle scales and their various types, each serving a specific purpose. From robust mechanical scales to cutting-edge electronic scales, and even portable options, this section unveils the realm of weighing solutions designed specifically for cattle. Dive into the benefits and features provided by each sub-section, and gain valuable insights into how these scales revolutionize the livestock industry. Get ready to explore the fascinating world of cattle scales!

Mechanical Cattle Scales

Mechanical cattle scales, also known as mechanical weighing systems, are a traditional and reliable option for measuring the weight of cattle. These cost-effective scales are widely utilized by farmers and ranchers. When considering mechanical cattle scales, there are several important factors to keep in mind:

  1. Accuracy and Precision: It is crucial to choose scales with a high level of accuracy that can provide precise measurements of the animals' weight.
  2. Capacity and Size: Assess the maximum weight capacity of the scale and ensure it can accommodate the size and weight of your cattle.
  3. Durability and Weather Resistance: Opt for scales that are constructed from sturdy materials capable of withstanding harsh outdoor conditions.

One of the notable advantages of mechanical cattle scales is that they do not rely on electricity or batteries, making them especially suitable for remote locations. Leading brands in this category include AgriEIDGallagher, Tru-Test, and Tarter. These scales are commonly found in livestock markets, stockyards, and on-farm weighing operations. With their straightforward design, mechanical cattle scales provide a reliable method for managing animal weights. This, in turn, enables informed decisions regarding feeding, breeding, and health management.

Electronic Cattle Scales

  1. Accurate Weight Measurement: Electronic cattle scales, equipped with advanced technology, offer precise and reliable weight measurements. This ensures accurate record-keeping for management decisions and sale transactions.
  2. Easy to Use: Electronic cattle scales provide a user-friendly experience with their digital displays and intuitive interfaces. These features make it simple to operate and interpret the weight readings.
  3. Data Management: Many electronic cattle scales are equipped with software that allows for easy data management. This includes recording and tracking individual animal weights, generating reports, and analyzing trends.
  4. Quick and Efficient: Electronic cattle scales are known for their faster weighing times compared to other types of scales. This quick and efficient weighing process allows for faster throughput and reduces stress on the animals.
  5. Durable and Weather Resistant: Electronic cattle scales are specifically designed to withstand harsh conditions. They are often made with sturdy materials that can endure heavy use and outdoor environments.
  6. Portability: Some electronic cattle scales offer portability features, making it easy to transport them to different locations on the farm or during livestock shows and exhibitions.

The development of electronic cattle scales has revolutionized the way farmers and ranchers weigh their livestock. In the past, manual weighing methods were time-consuming and prone to errors. With the introduction of electronic technology, weighing cattle has become more accurate, efficient, and convenient. This advancement has led to improved management decisions, better animal health and performance, and increased profitability for farmers.

Portable Cattle Scales

  1. Accuracy and Precision: When choosing portable cattle scales, it is important to prioritize accuracy and precision. By opting for scales that offer high accuracy and precision, you can ensure precise measurements. This is crucial for making effective management decisions regarding the cattle's weight.
  2. Portability: The weight and size of portable cattle scales should be considered for easy transportation. It is advisable to select scales that are lightweight and compact, allowing for convenient use in various locations. This ensures the scales can be easily carried and set up wherever needed.
  3. Durability: It is essential to choose portable cattle scales that are made from durable materials. This ensures the scales can withstand outdoor conditions and the weight of the cattle. Durable scales will last longer and provide reliable measurements over time.
  4. Battery Life: When considering portable cattle scales, it is important to check the battery life. It is crucial to select scales with long-lasting batteries that can withstand extended weighing sessions without frequent recharging. This enables uninterrupted weighing and prevents disruptions in the weighing process.
  5. User-Friendly Design: Opting for scales with a user-friendly design is highly recommended. This includes selecting scales that are easy to set up, operate, and maintain. A user-friendly design streamlines the weighing process, making it more efficient and convenient for farmers and ranchers.

Portable cattle scales are a convenient and flexible solution for weighing cattle in different locations. They serve as an essential tool for farmers and ranchers. By considering factors such as accuracy, portability, durability, and user-friendliness, you can find the perfect portable cattle scales to meet your specific needs.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Cattle Scales

Choosing the right cattle scales is critical for accurate and efficient livestock management. In this section, we'll explore the factors to consider when selecting cattle scales. From accuracy and precision to capacity and size, as well as durability and weather resistance, we'll break down the key elements you need to keep in mind. So, whether you're a rancher or a farmer, buckle up as we dive into the world of choosing the perfect cattle scales for your needs!

Accuracy and Precision

Cattle scales are essential tools for accurately measuring the weight of cattle, which plays a crucial role in various aspects of cattle management. When choosing cattle scales, accuracy and precision are key factors to consider.

Accuracy Precision
Ensures that the weight measurement is close to the true value. Refers to the consistency of the weight measurements when repeatedly weighing the same animal.
High accuracy prevents underestimation or overestimation of a cattle's weight. Precision allows for reliable tracking of a cattle's weight changes over time.
Cattle scales with advanced technology and calibration procedures tend to offer higher accuracy. Electronic cattle scales are known for their precision due to digital readouts and error correction features.
Regular maintenance and calibration are necessary to ensure continuous accuracy. The scale's design, load cell quality, and stability contribute to achieving precision in weight measurements.

Choosing cattle scales with high accuracy and precision ensures reliable weight data for effective management decisions, monitoring animal health, and maximizing profitability in the cattle industry.

Capacity and Size

Cattle scales come in various sizes and capacities to accommodate different livestock needs. When choosing the right cattle scale, it is crucial to consider their capacity and size. Here is a table that provides an overview of the available options for capacity and size:

Scale Type Capacity Size
Mechanical 1,000 lbs - 10,000 lbs Large and bulky
Electronic 1,000 lbs - 20,000 lbs Compact and versatile
Portable 500 lbs - 5,000 lbs Compact and portable


The capacity refers to the maximum weight the scale can handle, while size pertains to the physical dimensions of the scale. Mechanical scales usually have a larger capacity but can be heavy and occupy more space. On the other hand, electronic scales offer a balance between capacity and size, making them suitable for various farming operations. Portable scales are lightweight and easy to transport, which makes them ideal for farmers needing to weigh their cattle at different locations.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the average weight of a mature cow ranges from 1,000 to 1,800 pounds depending on the breed? Choosing a cattle scale with the appropriate capacity and size is essential to ensure accurate and efficient weighing.

Durability and Weather Resistance

When choosing cattle scales, it is crucial to take into account their durability and weather resistance. Cattle scales are often exposed to harsh outdoor conditions and must withstand extreme temperatures, moisture, and other environmental factors. Here are some key factors to consider regarding durability and weather resistance in cattle scales:

  1. Material: It is important to look for scales made from high-quality materials, such as stainless steel or heavy-duty galvanized steel, which are known for their resistance to rust and corrosion.

  2. Sealing: It is essential to ensure that the scales have effective sealing mechanisms in place to prevent water, dust, and dirt from entering, as this can significantly impact their functionality and longevity.

  3. Protection: Opt for scales that come with protective coatings or finishes capable of withstanding UV rays and other weather elements.

  4. Construction: Choose scales that are robust and sturdy, with reinforced structures that are capable of handling the weight and movement of cattle without compromising accuracy.

  5. Components: Check that the load cells, cables, and other sensitive components are specifically designed for outdoor use and have the ability to withstand rough handling and exposure to the elements.

  6. Warranty: Look for scales that offer a warranty, including coverage for any weather-related damage, ensuring long-term durability.

By considering the durability and weather resistance of cattle scales when making your selection, you can guarantee their longevity and reliable performance in various environmental conditions.

How to Use Cattle Scales

When it comes to using cattle scales, knowing the ins and outs can make a significant difference. In this section, we'll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to effectively use cattle scales. We'll cover essential aspects like preparation and setup, as well as provide guidelines for weighing cattle. So, whether you're a seasoned rancher or just starting out, buckle up and get ready to master the art of using cattle scales with confidence.

Preparation and Setup

Proper preparation and setup are essential when using cattle scales to ensure accurate and reliable weighing. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a suitable location for the cattle scales, preferably on flat ground with good drainage to avoid any movement or water buildup.
  2. Ensure that the scales are properly leveled and secured in place to avoid any tilting or shifting during weighing.
  3. Clear the area around the scales from any obstacles or debris that may interfere with the weighing process or pose a safety risk.
  4. Calibrate the scales before use to ensure accurate measurements. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for calibration.
  5. Prepare the animals for weighing by gently herding them towards the scales, ensuring they are calm and not stressed to avoid any impacts on their weight.
  6. Allow the animals to enter and rest on the scales for a few moments to ensure a stable and comfortable position before starting the weighing process.
  7. Record the weight measurements accurately and ensure they are properly documented for future reference and management decisions.
  8. After weighing, clean and maintain the scales regularly to extend their lifespan and ensure continued accuracy.

Cattle scales have been used for centuries to accurately measure the weight of livestock. The earliest forms of cattle scales relied on manual methods such as balance beams or simple platforms. Over time, advancements in technology have led to the development of mechanical and electronic cattle scales, offering improved accuracy and efficiency. Today, cattle scales are essential tools in the agricultural industry, providing valuable data for management decisions, health monitoring, and marketing purposes. The preparation and setup of cattle scales play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable weighing, allowing farmers to effectively manage their livestock and optimize their operations.

Guidelines for Weighing Cattle

Guidelines for Weighing Cattle are crucial for cattle farmers to effectively monitor animal health, track growth, and make informed management decisions. To ensure precise and consistent measurements, it is essential to follow the following steps:

  1. Preparation and Setup: Select an appropriate location, preferably a flat and level surface, to accurately weigh the cattle. It is also important to calibrate the scales beforehand to ensure precise readings.
  2. Secure the Animal: Utilize proper handling techniques, such as a chute, head gate, or squeeze chute, to safely restrain the animal during the weighing process.
  3. Weight Collection: Allow the animal to step onto the scales or weighbridge, ensuring that all hooves are fully positioned on the platform. Wait for the scale to stabilize and carefully record the displayed weight.
  4. Repeat if Necessary: If weighing multiple animals, repeat the process for each individual. Maintain a record of the weights, associating them with the respective animal identification.
  5. Record Keeping: Ensure precise record-keeping by documenting the weights and dates for each animal. This information is invaluable for tracking growth rates and monitoring the overall performance of the herd.
  6. Minimize Stress: Handle the animals with care during the weighing process to minimize stress. This approach guarantees accurate measurements and promotes animal welfare.

By adhering to these comprehensive Guidelines for Weighing Cattle, farmers can acquire reliable weight data that will enable them to make well-informed decisions regarding animal management and optimize their farming practices.

The Importance of Accurate Weighing

Accurate weighing is crucial when it comes to cattle, as it helps farmers make informed decisions about their livestock. Here are a few reasons highlighting the importance of accurate weighing:

1. Monitoring Animal Health: Regular weighing allows farmers to track the growth and overall health of individual cattle. Sudden weight loss may indicate an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed promptly.

2. Nutritional Management: Accurate weighing helps farmers determine the right amount of feed and supplements to provide, ensuring the optimal nutrition for each animal. This prevents underfeeding or overfeeding, which can have detrimental effects on the cattle's health.

3. Breeding Programs: Precise weighing enables farmers to select the best breeding candidates based on their weight and growth rate. This helps improve the quality of the herd over time, leading to better genetics and higher productivity.

4. Marketing Decisions: When selling cattle, accurate weighing ensures fair pricing for both the farmer and the buyer. It helps determine the weight of the animal, which is a crucial factor in determining its market value.

A farmer named John relied on accurate weighing to manage his cattle farm effectively. By regularly weighing his cows, he noticed that one of his prized cows, Daisy, was losing weight rapidly. Concerned, he contacted a veterinarian who diagnosed Daisy with a mineral deficiency. By addressing the issue promptly and adjusting her diet, Daisy regained her health and resumed steady growth. John's attention to accurate weighing not only saved Daisy's life but also helped him maintain the overall well-being of his herd.

Benefits of Using Cattle Scales

Discover the remarkable advantages of utilizing cattle scales in your operations. From making informed management decisions to enhancing the health and performance of your livestock, these scales offer a multitude of benefits. With improved efficiency and increased profitability, incorporating cattle scales into your processes can revolutionize your approach to animal husbandry. Get ready to explore how these devices provide valuable insights, contributing to more effective management practices and ultimately improving your bottom line.

Improved Management Decisions

When it comes to cattle management, having accurate and reliable information is essential for making improved management decisions. Cattle scales play a crucial role in providing the necessary data for making improved management decisions. Here are some ways in which cattle scales contribute to making improved management decisions:

  • Monitoring Growth and Weight Gain: By regularly weighing cattle, farmers can track their growth and weight gain over time. This information helps determine the effectiveness of nutrition plans and allows for adjustments to be made, ensuring improved growth and development.
  • Identifying Health Issues: Sudden weight loss or gain can be indicative of underlying health problems in cattle. By monitoring weight changes using cattle scales, farmers can quickly identify potential health issues and take appropriate action.
  • Optimizing Feeding Practices: Cattle scales help farmers measure and monitor feed intake accurately. This data enables them to adjust feeding practices accordingly, ensuring that each individual animal receives the right amount of nutrition for improved health and performance.
  • Planning Breeding Programs: Accurate weight measurements obtained through cattle scales assist in selecting appropriate breeding stock. By identifying animals with desirable growth rates and body composition, farmers can make more informed decisions when planning breeding programs.
  • Estimating Yield and Profitability: Cattle scales provide accurate weight measurements, allowing farmers to estimate the market value and profitability of their livestock. This information helps in making strategic decisions regarding the sale of cattle and maximizing returns.

By utilizing cattle scales, farmers can gather precise and reliable data, improving their management decisions regarding nutrition, health, breeding, and overall profitability.

Enhanced Animal Health and Performance

  1. Cattle scales play a crucial role in ensuring enhanced animal health and performance. They enable farmers to accurately measure the weight of their cattle, allowing for more effective monitoring and management of their health.
  2. Monitoring Feed Efficiency: One of the key benefits of using cattle scales is that they enable farmers to monitor the feed efficiency of their animals. By accurately weighing the cattle, farmers can ensure that they are receiving the appropriate amount of nutrition for optimal growth and performance.
  3. Detecting Health Issues: Cattle scales are instrumental in detecting health issues in cattle. Regularly weighing the animals helps identify sudden weight loss or gain, which can be indicative of illness or disease.
  4. Adjusting Feeding Programs: Using cattle scales, farmers can determine the precise amount of feed required for each animal. This helps in improving the overall nutrition of the cattle while preventing underfeeding or overfeeding.
  5. Monitoring Growth: Accurate weight measurements obtained through cattle scales enable farmers to closely monitor the growth of their cattle. This ensures that the animals are developing at a healthy rate.

Fact: Numerous studies have demonstrated that regularly weighing cattle can lead to a remarkable 15-20% improvement in feed efficiency and an average daily weight gain increase of 5-10%.

Increased Profitability and Efficiency

Increased profitability and efficiency are key benefits of using cattle scales in the management of a livestock operation. Here are some ways in which cattle scales contribute to achieving these goals:

  1. Accurate Weight Measurement: Cattle scales facilitate precise measurements of individual animal weights, ensuring increased profitability and efficiency. This data is crucial for determining optimal feeding regimes, identifying underperforming animals, and making informed culling decisions. By accurately tracking animal weights, producers can adjust feed and manage resources more efficiently, thereby increasing profitability and efficiency.
  2. Improved Growth and Performance: With accurate weight data, producers can monitor the growth and performance of their cattle throughout different stages, leading to increased profitability and efficiency. This allows for better decision-making when it comes to breeding, selecting replacements, and managing overall herd health. By promptly identifying and addressing issues, producers can minimize losses and optimize productivity, resulting in increased profitability and efficiency.
  3. Efficient Marketing and Sales: Cattle scales provide reliable data for determining the market value of livestock, contributing to increased profitability and efficiency. By knowing the exact weight of animals, producers can negotiate fair prices and ensure proper value for their product, thus maximizing profitability and efficiency. Accurate weight measurements also help with complying with sale regulations and meeting buyer expectations, improving the efficiency of the marketing process and ultimately enhancing profitability and efficiency.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: By utilizing cattle scales and maintaining accurate weight records, producers can analyze trends and patterns in animal performance, resulting in increased profitability and efficiency. This data can be used to make informed decisions about breeding, nutrition, and overall management strategies, leading to more efficient resource allocation, reducing costs, and maximizing profitability and efficiency.


Some Facts About Cattle Scales:

  • ✅ Cattle scales are efficient tools for measuring and managing cattle herd data. (Source:
  • ✅ Weigh scales help take the guesswork out of weighing cattle, measure herd performance, and increase efficiencies. (Source:
  • ✅ Electronic identification allows for better management of individual performance, faster data collection and processing, and reduces entry errors. (Source:
  • ✅ Data management integrates scale and electronic identification data into software, allowing for quicker processing and decision making. (Source:
  • ✅ Cattle scales provide accurate and reliable weighing solutions for livestock, ensuring efficient operations and accurate record-keeping. (Source:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are cattle scales?

Cattle scales are tools used for accurately weighing and managing cattle herd data. They help measure the weight of individual animals, monitor weight gain, and track livestock health. Cattle scales include electronic weigh scales, electronic identification readers, and data management systems.

How do cattle scales help with herd management?

Cattle scales play a crucial role in herd management by providing valuable data for making informed decisions. They help monitor individual animal performance, track weight gain, optimize feeding programs, and identify health issues quickly. By using cattle scales, ranchers can improve reproductive performance, reduce treatment costs and wasted medications, and make accurate breeding decisions.

What are the key features of AgriEID fully-electronic Harvester livestock scales?

AgriEID fully-electronic Harvester livestock scales are designed for stockyards, feed lots, and private farms. They have pre-cast concrete decks, live weight displays, and safety features. These scales provide efficient and accurate weighing of large animals. They are durable, withstand harsh weather conditions, and have a stable environment for weighing livestock.

How can I ensure accurate weighing with livestock scales?

To ensure accurate weighing with livestock scales, it is important to select high-quality scales that are designed for the specific needs of the agricultural industry. Factors to consider include domestic quality construction, pen type configuration, rubberized deck surfaces, gate closures, and stable environments. Regular calibration, proper maintenance, and frequent wash down of surfaces also contribute to accurate weighing.

What are the advantages of using AgriEID herd management tools?'s herd management tools, including weigh scales, electronic identification, and data management solutions, offer several advantages. These tools help increase efficiencies, reduce entry errors, and provide measurable differences in herd performance. With the integration of scale and electronic identification data into the AgriEID software, ranchers can make informed decisions, download data for quicker processing, and have access to a Learning Center and free mobile apps.

Are there any promotions or deals available for purchasing livestock scales?

Yes, both and AgriEID offer promotions and deals for purchasing livestock scales. offers a free time credit towards any new or existing AgriEID plan with the purchase of any weigh scale indicator or electronic identification reader. AgriEID software customers are also eligible for discounted shipping on all scale indicators and electronic identification readers. AgriEID provides promotions and deals such as cattle scale recommendations and a low price guarantee with price matching.

Check out our complete range of cattle scales here

Check out our cattle management software

Check out range of EID readers and cattle scales here :

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